[SPRID] Supreme Individuality


About us: We are an competitive organization with a casual multigaming community spread over various games. The goal of our clan in World of Tanks is to participate in clan activities ranging from the Global Map to Strongholds and Skirmishes.

‣ Content Creators: We search casters to stream and cast our games played live.
‣ Competitive players for our teams.
‣ Staff Members (Moderators for ingame activities, discord and Team Speak 3 servers, Social Media managers to help with the distribution of our content, Team Captains to oversee the operations of our teams).
‣ Active casual players for our Multigaming section with a passion for gaming and eSports who want to help us develop Supreme Individuality further.

Requirements to join our WoT clan are: 1200 WN8 and above and having the at least 3 of the following Tier X tanks in garrage:
Kranvagn, Super Conqueror, EBR 105, Vz 55, STRV 103B or Chieftain. Fluency in English and no toxicity.

Notes: Our TS3 and discord servers are optional.

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 26

Ø Csaták14792
Ø WN81306,34
Ø Győzelmi arány50,52%

Klán tagok


Klán történet

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