[L3GI0] Armoured Legion

live fast and leave a good looking corpse


We are dedicated to our members while creating a positive community within
world of tanks.

Weekly stronghold sessions and constant platoon/team games available but not required. Our focus on will always be social/casual play while providing training to anyone willing.

No tier requirement or WN8, all we ask is you have a sense of humor, be 16+ and are open minded enough to operate in a diverse group of multi faith, creed and nationalities with the respect and dignity you would expect on yourself.

Team Speak Server is on-line! and free to any member!

More to follow as we develop the team

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 44

Ø Csaták12100
Ø WN81289,26
Ø Győzelmi arány50,68%

Klán tagok


Klán történet

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