[COKUP] Coked Up Pirates!

Pirates arrr usually right but when we're not, there's an almighty CokUP!


Avast me hearties, we're Pirates! We're going to board ya vessel and, shiver me timbers, steal all ya gold, arghh!

Pirates are not quiet, they are not reserved, they don't follow the rules and they like getting drunk on grog - all of which means we will never be amazing players, we won't win all the battles and we will troll our team and anyone else that looks like a landlubber!

As far as our plan goes - let me just grab the treasure map of adventure...

We want to have fun and get better, we can learn from our mistakes (that's the last time I smile at a crocodile...) and we appreciate others are also not perfect so all trolling is in good spirit. Unless you're being a dick. In which case, we're going to haunt you with our petty pirate gags and sea dog jokes until the day you die.

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 6

Ø Csaták9522
Ø WN81069,86
Ø Győzelmi arány49,34%

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