[BWF1] Blue and White Fighters

PLATOON CLAN Let's Fight With Brainpower And Gunpowder ><>


An international PLATOON CLAN , for Pro players , who like to have fun , and play platoon . And play clanmissions in platoon for personal rewards and for clanresources, so we can sometimes activate extra experience and extra cash and extra free experience for all random games. If we activate extra bonusses you can see this in this stronghold. You can see personal missions in this round of duty at the clantasks. we don not play clanwar, we are a platoon clan. Rules in the clan are we do not curse and we respect eachother Spoken languages are English, German
and Dutch. (>``,)> Your Welcome Pro . <><

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 82

Ø Csaták23412
Ø WN81570,74
Ø Győzelmi arány51,77%

Klán tagok


Klán történet

Játékos neveEseményDátum
Zuko_660Belépett2025. 02. 10. 13:08 UTC