[SHEEN] lordsheen is cool!

o7 lordsheen


Clan [SHEEN] is recruiting skilled tankers with tier 10 tanks :)

Clan discord - https://lordsheen.com/discord

Activity requirements: (Do at least one of the following)
- Be in the top 70% of players in the clan based on industrial resources earned in the past 28 days
- Complete your Tour of Duty every 2 weeks
- Play 200+ battles in the past 28 days

Clan members who have been offline for 10+ days might get kicked for inactivity. Industrial resources earned in the past 28 days is the main thing lordsheen looks at before deciding on who to kick.

You're welcome to rejoin the clan if you were previously kicked for inactivity. o7 lordsheen

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 90

Ø Csaták19799
Ø WN81277,22
Ø Győzelmi arány50,02%

Klán tagok


Klán történet

Játékos neveEseményDátum
knightkilleur_512Kilépett 2025. 02. 14. 23:18 UTC
ALEXANDER0623Kilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
starwars9876Kilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
C3zar_rulerKilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
jheykKilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
shupedudeKilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
Peludito117Kilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
rayito321Kilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
JacksSemSalKilépett 2025. 02. 12. 03:01 UTC
xXCaptain_Furious_MayhemBelépett2025. 02. 10. 12:04 UTC
sheen1Belépett2025. 02. 10. 01:56 UTC
CHOOBelépett2025. 02. 05. 18:55 UTC
Rohk_DelarKilépett 2025. 01. 28. 14:15 UTC
XxDiable_BlondxXKilépett 2025. 01. 26. 11:28 UTC
CronosynthesisBelépett2025. 01. 26. 05:36 UTC