[SAKU] Sakura

Excel and Overcome


Sakura is a clan focused on developing the capabilities of our members in platoon battles, while also participating in activities such as Skirmishes, Strongholds, and Clan Wars. We are simply a friendly clan for fans of anime as a whole to come and enjoy the game while learning how to play.

Member Requirements
- Be a mature team player.
- Be relatively active. Prolonged unexcused absences will result in expulsion.
- Do not TK without provocation.
- Always strive to improve your play style. (Don't go full potato.)

Joining Criteria
- Tier VI Non-Premium Tank
- 48% Overall Winrate with Moderate Contributing Stats (K/D & Damage)
- 1,000 Battles
- TeamSpeak Activity with Microphone Required
- We are a TEAM Clan. Purely running solo, not using TS, or only popping on for Strongholds is frowned upon.

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 30

Ø Csaták15726
Ø WN81585,81
Ø Győzelmi arány53,90%

Klán tagok


Klán történet

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