[NZ] The NZ Clan of Awesomeness

Nothing crushes egos as substantially as a tank


Relaunched and Recruiting.

A Clan for New Zealanders, Auzzies and others who play regularly in the NZ time zone in Evenings and weekends (NZT 6pm-12pm = 11pm-5am PST)

Mature, funny, top quality players wanted! We're looking for active good players to platoon with, do strongholds with and even team battles. Player Rating of 5500 and winrate over 50% required. Teamspeak is a must. We range in ages from 17-50 so a good mix of people to hang out with! Please note 3 month or older inactive accounts will be removed from clan and would need to reapply again.

You may hear weird lingo like sweet as, she'll be right, no worries, munted, westie..... adequate translation available on request ;)

Hit up a recruiter or message me for more information. We have a private Teamspeak server available for tanking with and finding toon mates.

See ya on the other side!

Kiwi_Dynamite (formerly BadDynamite)

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 35

Ø Csaták22047
Ø WN81753,78
Ø Győzelmi arány53,43%

Klán tagok


Klán történet

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