[LFG] Like Fighting in a Group?

Group Up!


I created this clan for a few reasons,

1. I love to play, an am looking for people with the same interest.
2. To make new friends and get groups together.
3. Most of the clan's out there DON"T,
A) Have a leader that's played with-in the last year.
B) Have more then 3 people in it that actually still play
C) Accept people who aren't friends with someone already in the clan.
D) Actually try and work to advance the stronghold.
E) Have people in it that even know what the stronghold is.
F) Have people who want to group.
4. To have and maintain an ACTIVE clan for player's.

So if your somewhat new to WOT and have some decent progression or even a veteran, love to play and play somewhat frequently. Don't have any friends IRL that play and are looking for a group of people who are interested in playing together. Then sign on up! Like I said, I created this clan for people who are looking to make new friends and group. Are you Looking For a Group? Hence the tag (LFG).

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 1

Ø Csaták151
Ø WN810,91
Ø Győzelmi arány41,06%

Klán tagok

#Játékos neve30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Győzelmi arányCsatákUtolsó csataRangBelépett

Csatározások statisztikák

#Játékos neve7D Battles30D Battles

Klán történet

Játékos neveEseményDátum