Abpraller! - German commander's last words


Casual gamers who play WoT a bit, not every day, but frequently. Looking for both experienced and novices alike. Must be comfortable with at least one Tier 6 tank, or well on your way to getting a good Tier 6 (e.g. the Cromwell). Discord is pretty much a must have, as we use it for coordination and communication outside of the game client. Mics are not required, but heavily encouraged. If you don't have a mic, feel free to apply, but you must be able to listen to people who are talking.

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 9

Ø Csaták1116
Ø WN8613,90
Ø Győzelmi arány48,58%

Klán tagok

Csatározások statisztikák


Klán történet

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