[AC] Animal Crackers

Capitalizing on Opportunities


Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/8zbcJadv

No flex, drama free, chill environment. We strive to be competitive with a focus on community.

Please reach out to Kilo_Sierra or iGato for details.

~ Have fun, be competitive when faced with a challenge, laugh when things dont work out, give respect, and get extra cookies if you show gratitude and praise to others.

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 21

Ø Csaták25661
Ø WN81602,52
Ø Győzelmi arány52,17%

Klán tagok


Klán történet

Játékos neveEseményDátum
Vince827Belépett2025. 01. 28. 03:41 UTC