[5D4] 5th Dimension's Top Clan Wars and Battle Division

"Steel on Target"


Fifth Dimension Gaming Community Top Clan Wars/Battle Division.

5D4 we platoon, skirmish, and do tournaments.
We legionnaire up to support other clans.

- 1,200+ WN8 or 1,500+ recent WN8
- Ages 18+
- Active on TeamSpeak
- Show respect for all others in the Community and in game.

- Multi Division and Multi-Game Community and Website.

-Register and apply via our website: www.5DClan.com

-TeamSpeak Bookmark is:
(Please be patient as someone will have to apply tags so you can have access to channels.)

Klán statisztikák

Tagok száma: 8

Ø Csaták11817
Ø WN81302,49
Ø Győzelmi arány50,55%

Klán tagok

Csatározások statisztikák


Klán történet

Játékos neveEseményDátum